Saturday, April 2, 2011

AMA Champ James Stewart Arrested for Impersonating a Police Officer

     Here is a great Bone-Head story I found recently, so get ready to laugh.  On March 28, AMA Supercross champion, James “Bubba” Stewart, was arrested for impersonating a police officer when he used flashing lights to pull over another car.  Unfortunately for him, that car was full of cops.   Yup, 25-year-old Stewart was driving his 2008 Toyota Tundra down Florida Rt. 417 outside of Orlando, when he decided to use his “police-type” red and blue flashers to pull another vehicle over.  

     When he pulled up alongside the car, one of the off-duty highway patrol officers flashed a badge and Stewart took off.   He was later arrested and charged for impersonating an officer when he was spotted at the Orlando International Airport.  His passenger, Thames Jehrrod Quinault, was also arrested for tampering with evidence when he tried to hide the lights in his luggage.  They are now both facing felonies.  And according to an article on ESPN, Stewart’s truck was also seized.  I’m very curious what truck was seized, it could have been this one.

      Stewart, who is a 2-time AMA Supercoss Champion and 3-time AMA Motocross National Champion, later released a press-release saying, "I hope to resolve this incident quickly and show people that I am someone that upholds the law and someone they can respect as a competitor and as a person.  Apparently Stewart also has a reality show on FUEL TV called “Bubba’s World”, I wonder if they have any of this on film…it would make a great episode. 

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