Saturday, March 12, 2011

Shovelhead Draft Beer Tower…..and My 1st Blog

     So after wasting enough time sitting around and thinking about it, I decided it was time that I started a blog about motorcycles and everything related to motorcycles.  It seemed like good timing too, my band RtL just played at a bar in Cresson, PA called Magoo’s.  This place is just covered floor to ceiling with Harley gear.  First off I’ll show you the tap tower, this thing is awesome.  All I know is it is from a Shovelhead.  I’m definitely going to have to learn more about it, it is one of the coolest towers I have seen (I would know too, I work for a brewery and I have seen many a tap tower). I'm not sure how much work went into this tower, but I'm sure it was a lot.  It is definitely a one-of-a-kind tower.  If anyone has any pictures of similar tap towers, let me know, I'll post them up.

     If you are riding through central PA, and you haven't stopped by Magoo's, you should check it out.  They also have a kitchen and a fairly large food menu (I've never had any, but their burgers look good).  Anyway, back to the shovelhead, these pictures are too small to show this thing it all it's glory, I can email better pictures if anyone wants them.  The bar staff at Magoo's was awesome too, they turned a light on to let me get a better picture.  They even let me get behind the bar to snap a picture of the drain pan.  The whole place is covered in pictures of people and their bikes, miscellaneous parts, and Harley paraphernalia that would take a lifetime to collect.

      The mural they had on the back wall of the stage was just awesome, someone really spent a lot of time on that.   You really need to see this thing in person to appreciate it, my pictures really don't do it justice.  You can check out Magoo's Facebook page to see a picture of the mural recently painted, as well as some other pics of the decor.  But these pictures will give you a pretty good idea of what it's like.  The mural on the right side looks just like the front of the place, minus the keg being dragged through the door.

      Definitely cool.  I live in a college town, and you don't have bars like that around here; although we have some pretty sweet bars.  We do have an awesome HD dealership here though, they have always been super helpful when looking for parts or fluids.  We'll have to see if they will let me in there sometime with a camera, and I will most definitely post them up here.  All right, well I guess that concludes this first inaugural post from the blogging biker, but it is far from the last.  So until next time...keep it between the ditches.         

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