Tuesday, March 15, 2011

And now for some uh…“lighter” news

courtesy of wesh.com
     So the 70th year of Bike Week just wrapped up in Daytona Beach and since I am stranded in central PA, and nowhere near Florida, I had to rely on mass media and the interwebs to find the good stuff I was missing.  I don’t know if this exactly qualifies as “good stuff”, but I’ll leave that to you to decide. 
     Check out this video of some good ol’ fashioned bikini coleslaw wrestling at Sopotnick’s Cabbage Patch Bar in Samsula, FL.  Now that is some pretty heavy stuff (sorry I had to say it).  Nothing says Bike Week quite like 2 large bikini-clad women tossing each other around in a vat of coleslaw.  Thanks to wesh.com for the pictures and video.  
courtesy of CNN
     Here is another interesting story off of CNN; Rev. Philip Egitto a local pastor from Daytona offered “bike blessings” on Ash Wednesday.  “As bikers, they deserve the same as everyone else”, Egitto told CNN.  Along with a blessing of a safe journey the pastor sprinkled them with a bit of holy water.  You can check out the rest of the story here.   
     Well that’s it for now.  I’ll try to dig up some more interesting stories, but feel free to email Nik@bloggingbiker.com if you have a good story to share. 

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