Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A brief hiatus and an epic fail

So it has been forever since I have had a chance to update this blog, I know all of you loyal followers were probably getting worried right?  (Insert cricket sounds here).  Between my full-time job, teaching a summer class, and a vacation to Florida, everything has been pushed off a bit.  Since I have been out of the motorcycle news loop lately I decided to do a quick search for some funny videos on Youtube and found this one.  Too bad we don't have any background info on it, because it is something else.  Check it out:

Hopefully granny got up to ride again, but I have a feeling she won't be getting back on a bike anytime soon.  So while I dig up some new stories feel free to have a laugh at granny's expense.  And you never know, maybe there was a swimming pool full of feathers on the other side of that fence. 

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